2010年12月4日 星期六


‧ANA (antinuclear atibody) FIA
ANA>=160(X)suggestive of clinical significance,ANA測定為陽性,可合理懷疑患有疾病,如紅斑性狼瘡、類風濕性關節炎、進行性系統性硬化症、混合型結締組織病、傳染性單核細胞增多症、膽源性或膽汁性肝硬變、肝炎、瘧疾、白血病、自身免疫性溶血、重症肌無力等。經常用於判斷是否患有紅斑性狼瘡,檢測結果為陰性(小於等於1:160),可以排除患有紅斑狼瘡。

‧anti-phospholipid Ab-IgG
抗磷脂抗體 IgG,檢驗臨床意義包括Cardiolipin Ab、ACA、Lupus anticoagulant、LA、以及造成VDRL偽陽性的抗體,與栓塞、血小板減少、年輕婦女習慣性流產有關。
參考值APA-IgG (Antiphospholipid Ab-IgG type):小於15 GPLU/ml。

‧anti-phospholipid Ab-IgM

‧ASMA (anti-sniitg muscle antibody serum)


‧anti-mitochondria antibody (AMA) serum
Anti-mitochondrial antibodies (AMA) are autoantibodies, consisting of immunoglobulins formed against mitochondria,[1] primarily mitochondria in cells of the liver. The presence of AMAs in the blood or serum of a person is indicative of several autoimmune diseases such as primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) (a scarring of liver tissue, confined primarily to the bile duct drainage system of the liver). It is present in about 95% of cases.
Primary biliary cirrhosis is seen primarily in middle-aged women, and in those afflicted with other autoimmune diseases. PBC is an autoimmune disorder, a condition in which the human body's immune defense system mistakenly attacks the body's own cells, or in this case parts of the cells.
Cause of AMAs is postulated that xenobiotic-induced and/or oxidative modification of mitochondrial autoantigens is a critical step leading to loss of tolerance. In acute liver failure AMA are found against all major liver antigens.

類風溼因子過去常被誤認為等於類風溼關節炎(RA)實則錯誤。類風溼因子輕度偏高的病人,只有一半是類風溼性關節炎。反過來說,有25%的類風溼性關節炎,其中類風溼因子卻是正常的。RF 升高的意義在Low titer 時,代表慢性發炎或正常老化,在High titer時,通常是自體免疫疾病,如乾燥症候群(Sjogren's syndrome),RA,SLE 等。參考值0~20 IU/ml。
抗磷脂抗體症候群Anti-phospholipid Syndrome (APS)
